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Safety Training Posted by SafetyON |
October 19, 2020
As before the COVID pandemic became widely spread, it has always been important to analyze and scrutinize the flaws in safety procedure. Case studies are a useful way to learn from any missteps and thus utilize the experience to avoid a repeat in the future. Today’s example pertains to a South Asian food restaurant which was forced to close due to misconduct and violations of by-laws during July of the pandemic. As with many other restaurants, Royal Thai Takeout Express was forced to dedicate…
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Safety Training Posted by SafetyON |
August 17, 2016
There is a law that requires every supervisor and worker to be trained in workplace health and safety awareness. This training empowers the workforce by giving them a clear picture of their rights and responsibilities with respect to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. A surprising number of workers are not aware that they have key roles to perform when it comes to health and safety at work. The fact is that unless workers cooperate and carry out their responsibilities correctly, it…